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Created 28-Oct-18
Modified 18-Jun-24
Visitors 11
21 photos

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

On the Curve at Island GardensThe Changing Face of Canary WharfPassing West India QuaySteelwork GaloreApproaching Canary WharfDocklands ReflectionsBlocking Out the SkyA Mixed Skyline at LimehouseSnaking through the CityWest Silvertown StationArriving at Pontoon DockStorm Light at LimehouseThe Thin Red LineApproaching Canary Wharf StationArriving at Heron QuaysBetween the TowersElevatedReflections at Heron QuaysLooking West from Pontoon DockApproaching South Quay Station, Docklands Light Railway.